Rebecca Bradshaw, our Director, says….

A few weeks ago I came up with the idea of each member of the RT team writing a piece for the blog on a rota basis. The aim was to let our clients and contacts get to know the team at RT a bit more; to learn something about us as people rather than just know us as calculator wielding number crunchers and also for us to impart some words of wisdom.
I am pleased with how our first cycle of contributions has gone, hopefully you can now see that as well as knowing our stuff about tax, payroll and accountancy at large, between us we do have a sense of humour and are quite normal.

What can you expect in the coming weeks? Who knows, it could be anything but that’s part of the fun – it might be educational and wise, filled with tax reducing tips or; fun and frivolous, with office gossip a plenty. All we ask is that you keep reading each week and if you find our blog worth the read please pass the details on to anyone else you think might be interested.

On a separate note, this week we say goodbye to Geoff at out Preston office as he packs up his calculator in exchange for putting on his slippers and taking early retirement. For anyone that knows, Geoff is massive part of RT history and has been part of the team for the last 26 years. Personally I have worked with Geoff for nearly ten years and I can honestly say I couldn’t have wished for a better colleague – he has a razor sharp wit which adds pure entertainment to the Preston office lunch experience and is always willing to lend an ear and a hand when needed! From Friday we will have a Geoff shaped hole in our office but we wish him all the best for the future. Au revoir Geoff, don’t be a stranger!

Michael Barton, our Chairman & CEO, says…

I’m just back from a 6 day trip exploring the Orkneys & Shetland Islands, prior to organising an old car rally there next year. We were blessed with good weather, good food, great history and some fantastic roads for driving.

Meal Beach, west Mainland Shetland Monday 10th June

It was also interesting to see that the islands have booming economies, oil of course but also tourism and agriculture/fishing. Their local papers are bursting at the seams with jobs on offer. Not much sign of those in Lancashire, although it does seem to me that our Government’s latest schemes to support housing will create a London-led boom in prices which eventually might make its way north!

I’m not quite convinced that another property boom is the right way forward but with the next general election a maximum of 2 years away, what can we expect?

Ed Milliband’s main problem is that Labour are not yet seen as trustworthy with the economy and furthermore most people seem to be in favour of welfare reform.

David Cameron’s problems are the rise of UKIP, Europe and the Coalition. At least we live in interesting times (old Chinese proverb).

Quote for the day:

“The more you read and observe about politics, you appreciate that each party is worse than the other – the one that’s out always looks the best.”

Will Rogers 1924

Some useful Tax Information dates for your diary.

July 2013

6 Deadline for submission of Form 42 (transactions in shares and securities).
Deadline for submission of EMI40 (EMI Annual Return).
File Taxed Award Scheme Returns, file P11Ds, P11D(b)s and P9Ds. Issue copies of P11Ds or P9Ds to employees.

14 Due date for income tax for the CT61 period to 30 June 2013.

19/22 Quarter 1 2013/14 PAYE remittance due.
Final date for payment of 2012/13 Class 1A NICs.

31 Second payment due date for 2012/13 Class 2 NICs.
Second Self Assessment payment on account for 2012/13.
Annual adjustment for VAT partial exemption calculations (April VAT year end).
Liability to 5% penalty on any tax unpaid for 2011/12.
Deadline for tax credit Annual Declaration (if estimated, final figures required by 31/01/14).

August 2013

2 Submission date of P46 (Car) for quarter to 5 July.

31 Annual adjustment for VAT partial exemption calculations (May VAT year end).

September 2013

30 End of CT61 quarterly period.
Last day for UK businesses to reclaim EC VAT chargeable in 2012.

October 2013

1 Due date for payment of Corporation Tax for period ended 31 December 2012.

5 Individuals/trustees must notify HMRC of new sources of income/ chargeability in 2012/13 if a Tax Return has not been received.

14 Due date for income tax for the CT61 quarter to 30 September 2013.

18/22 Quarter 2 2013/14 PAYE remittance due.

31 Deadline for paper submission of 2013 Tax Return without incurring penalties.

November 2013

1 £100 penalty if 2013 paper Tax Return not yet filed. Additional penalties may apply for further delay.

2 Submission date of P46 (Car) for quarter to 5 October.

December 2013

30 Last day for online submission of 2013 Tax Return for HMRC to collect tax through clients’ 20014/15 PAYE code, where they owe less than £3,000.

31 Last day for non-EU traders to reclaim recoverable UK VAT suffered in the year to 30 June 2013.
End of relevant year for taxable distance supplies to UK for VAT registration purposes.
End of relevant year for cross-border acquisitions of taxable goods in the UK for VAT registration purposes.
End of CT61 quarterly period.
Filing date for Company Tax Return Form CT600 for period ended 31 December 2012.

Sophie Maxwell, our Receptionist at Preston, says,

One of my many tasks over the last few months has been to create and monitor a blogging rota for the Rotherham Taylor team. Every week a different member of staff has contributed to the blog with industry insights, recent experiences, satirical opinions on current affairs or goals they have set themselves, and I have published them here and enjoyed seeing the page grow. But, when it came to my turn to contribute, my mind went blank! I’m not an Accountant! I don’t know about Payroll! I don’t know what a CA5601 form is! What on earth can I write about?!

Then a number of topics flashed through my mind –

Funniest Things Overheard In The Lunchroom

“I’m not giving a bird a damp sandwich!”

“There’s a prawn coming out of that cloud!”

“If you’ve never sucked on a piece of gammon-fat, you’ve never lived!”

Strangest Beverage Requests

“I’d like a cup of tea the colour of a 1980’s tan leather couch!”

“Four sugars in my tea, please. If you only put three in, I will know!”

“Can you heat the milk up in the microwave first, then add the boiling water, but then top it up with cold water from the tap, please?”

Things I’ve Learnt About Our (Chatty) Postman

He has been to Turkey on holiday 25 times in 9 years.

He has used the same hairbrush for 16 years.

The strangest parcel he has ever delivered was a dehydrated octopus eye.

In my role on Reception at the Preston office, I’m one of the first points of contact in person and on the telephone. That means I meet and greet. I field calls from the 50,000 photocopier salesmen who all want to speak to our CEO. I see and speak to a few dozen different people every day and no two days are the same.

I enjoy the balance of my ongoing workload supporting the team and the interaction with the clients and visitors. One minute I’m welcoming a local tradesman who has been a valued client for 10+ years and listening to his tales about his recent holiday to the Canary Islands, and the next I’m on the telephone giving sat-nav-like directions to a visitor who is struggling to find our offices in the rabbit warren that is the Preston waterfront office village.

I have only been here for 13 months but I have formed great relationships with some of our clients and I really enjoy the exchanges I have with them. We have a varied client-base and they all deal with different members of the RT team, but I like to try to be part of the service we offer; as helpful as I can be, professional, courteous but also another friendly face/voice. But remember; if you say something funny or priceless, it’s going in the memory banks!!